Lower Extremity Prostheses

At Advanced Mobility Prosthetics, you’ll benefit from our extensive experience in fitting a wide range of lower extremity prostheses, specifically for amputees who have undergone myodesis, myoplasty, Ertl, or targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR) surgery. We specialize in both modern and traditional solutions, including ischial containment, sub-ischial, posterior mount, and direct socket prosthetics, as well as traditional total contact and total surface bearing sockets. 

You’ll also have access to expertise in fitting most microprocessor knees and ankle-foot systems available today. Whether you need a classic joint and corset system or advanced solutions like elevated vacuum sockets and RevoFit systems for optimal volume management, we’ve got you covered. Although vacuum systems are our preferred option for their many benefits, we understand that some long-term amputees may still prefer their traditional systems. 

The suspension methods we commonly use include seal-in suction, sleeve suction, and locking suspension (via pin or lanyard). When needed, we can combine locking with suction to create a dual suspension system, tailored specifically to your limb length, activity level, and lifestyle.


Our Experience

  • Hip Disarticulation

  • Above Knee (Transfemoral)

  • Knee Disarticulation

  • Below Knee (Transtibial)

  • Ankle Disarticulation (Symes)

  • Partial Foot (Lis Franc, Chopart, Transmetatarsal)